[geometry-ml:04823] OIST mini course next week

2022年 8月 16日 (火) 09:07:18 JST

Dear all,

This is Xiaodan Zhou from Analysis on metric spaces unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University.

We would like to invite you to join virtually the following mini-course hosted at OIST from August 22-24. No Prerequisites on BV functions on Euclidean spaces or knowledge of Carnot groups are needed to join the lectures. The lecture will provide introduction to these topics.

Lecture 1-Mon, August 22, 2022  15:00 - 16:30
Lecture 2-Tue,  August 23, 2022  15:00 - 16:30
Lecture 3-Wed, August 24, 2022  15:00 - 16:30

Speaker: Dr. Sebastiano Nicolussi Golo<https://www.sebastiano272.eu/>, University of Jyväskylä  (Finland)

Title: Functions of bounded variations in Carnot groups
In this lectures I will present the theory of functions of bounded variation (BV functions) in Carnot groups. Carnot groups are Lie groups endowed with a fractal sub-Riemannian metric structure. The exposition will always reference to the classical theory of BV functions on Euclidean spaces (see for instance the monograph by Ambrosio-Fusco-Pallara). In this way, I expect that my lessons will be informative also for those who are familiar neither with BV functions on Euclidean spaces nor with Carnot groups.
In particular, we will study sets of finite perimeter. The structure of sets of finite perimeter is a cornerstone of Geometric Measure Theory. We will see how it (does not yet) extend to Carnot groups.

You can obtain a zoom link through the following registration page:

More information of the two mini-courses can be found here:

Please feel free to share the information with anyone who may in interested. We look forward to seeing you in the mini-courses.

Best regards,
Xiaodan Zhou

Analysis on Metric Spaces Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp<mailto:xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp>


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