[geometry-ml:05109] Kagawa Seminar(4/7)

yotsutani.naoto @ kagawa-u.ac.jp yotsutani.naoto @ kagawa-u.ac.jp
2023年 4月 2日 (日) 19:31:46 JST








《日�》2023年4月7日 13:30-15:00


《�所》香川大学教育学部8号�: 2F L-822 教室

《�演者》Grigory Solomadin (�山理科大学)

《タイトル》Finite topologies and cohomology of sheaves. (English)


Complex-analytical or algebraic sheaves and their cohomology provide indispensable tool in complex and algebraic geometry (by Godement, Iversen, Hartshorne etc.).

This tremendous theory has a "junior brother": sheaves over finite topological spaces.

Applications of finite topological spaces (called Alexandrov topologies) have obvious limitations such as possessing only weak homotopy equivalences for CW-complexes.

However, the sheaf theory over finite posets inherits most of the tools from its "senior brother" in a very accessible form.

Mainstream algebraic topology and finite spaces are connected via combinatorics of finite spaces by theorems of McCord and Stong.

Cohomology of sheaves over finite spaces a useful tool in topological data analysis advocated by M.Curry and others.

The present talk is a brief introduction to basic theory of sheaves over posets, their cohomology and finite topologies.

Some research problems will be discussed if time permits.

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