[geometry-ml:03512] Tokyo one-day workshop on stochastic analysis and geometry

Asuka TAKATSU takatsu @ math.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2018年 11月 3日 (土) 16:47:50 JST


慶應義塾大学の河備 浩司先生より、下記の研究集会の広報の依頼を受けましたので転送いたします。





11月23日 (金)に研究集会
「Tokyo one-day workshop on stochastic analysis and geometry」を
東京大学で開催しますので, ご案内致します。

人数を把握したいと思いますので, ご参加いただける方は
11月16日 (金) までに河備までメールでお知らせください。


会田 茂樹  (東京大学大学院数理科学研究科 aida (AT) ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp )
河備 浩司  (慶應義塾大学経済学部  kawabi (AT) keio.jp )

研究集会「Tokyo one-day workshop on stochastic analysis and geometry」

日時:2018年11月23日(金: 祝日)13:00~17:40


13:00~14:00  厚地 淳 (慶應義塾大学)
            Default functions and value distribution of holomorphic maps

14:10~15:10  Robert Neel (Lehigh University, USA)
            Minimal submanifolds and surfaces and associated martingales

15:30~16:30  正宗 淳 (北海道大学)
            On convergence of elliptic operators on a Riemannian manifold

16:40~17:40  会田 茂樹 (東京大学)
            Weak Poincare inequalities on path spaces: non-explosion case


Recently default functions are playing important roles in the theory of 
mathematical finance. We consider another aspect of the functions, 
specially we consider a function theoretic aspect. We show the vanishing of 
default functions of the Dirichlet processes generated by a class of subharmonic 
functions implies Liouville type theorems. Consequently we will see some value 
distributional properties of holomorphic maps. 

We first discuss a class of degenerate martingales (which we will call rank-n 
martingales) that arises naturally as the diffusion associated with 
minimal submanifolds and, more generally, mean curvature flow. 
This provides a unified approach to “coarse” properties, such as transience, 
of such structures, via methods which naturally generalize those used to study 
the long-time behavior of Brownian motion on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds. 
We then specialize to minimal surfaces in R^{3}, in which case the associated 
rank-2 martingale (which is just Brownian motion on the surface, viewed as 
a process in R^{3}) has the additional property that the tangent plane also 
evolves as a martingale. Taking advantage of this extra structure, we develop 
an extrinsic analogue of the mirror coupling of two Brownian motions. 
This allows us to study finer geometric and analytic properties of minimal surfaces, 
such as intersection results (strong halfspace-type theorems) and Liouville properties. 

In this talk we study the asymptotic behavior of second-order uniformly 
elliptic operators on weighted Riemannian manifolds. We appeal to the notion of 
H-convergence introduced by Murat and Tartar. In our main result we establish 
an H-compactness result that applies to elliptic operators with measurable, 
uniformly elliptic coefficients on weighted Riemannian manifolds. 
This is a joint work with Helmer Hoppe and Stefan Neukamm. 

We prove weak Poincare inequalities on path spaces over a complete 
Riemannian manifolds. Feng-Yu Wang and his collaborators proved 
the inequality under certain assumption on the Ricci curvature which 
implies naturally non-explosion of the Brownian motion. 
We explain how to prove such an inequality under the non-explosion 
of the Brownian motion. 

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