[geometry-ml:02749] [Fwd: We invite you to contribute to GTA]
urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
2016年 9月 13日 (火) 10:42:48 JST
皆様:下記のメールを転送致します。 東北大学国際教育院 浦川 肇
-------------------------- オリジナルメッセージ --------------------------
件名: [Fwd: We invite you to contribute to GTA]
差出人: urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
日付: 2016年09月13日 (火) 10:10
宛先: geometry-ml @ is.tohoku.ac.jp
Cc: urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
場所:Guilin Bravo Hotel (桂林寳館)http://www.gibravohotel.com/en-us/index.html
東北大学国際教育院名誉教授 浦川 肇
-------------------------- オリジナルメッセージ --------------------------
件名: We invite you to contribute to GTA
差出人: "The 3rd Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA 201
7)" <gta @ papersubnews.com>
日付: 2016年04月22日 (金) 6:21
宛先: urakawa @ math.is.tohoku.ac.jp
The 3rd Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA 2017)
January 3-5, 2017 Guilin, China
Dear Colleagues,
The 3rd Conference on Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA 2017) will
be held in Guilin, China during January 3-5, 2017. GTA is an annual
regular conference since 2015 and has been successfully held in Shanghai,
China and Bangkok, Thailand.
GTA 2017 will be a valuable and important platform for inspiring Int'l and
interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of Geometry, Topology and
More information can be found at: www.engii.org/conf/GTA/2017Jan/.
Topics (not limited to)
* Theoretical Aspects of Geometry
* Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
* Kinematic Geometry
* Descriptive Geometry
* Discrete differential geometry
* Computer Aided Geometric Design
* General Topology
* Set-Theoretic Topology
* Geometric Topology
* Algebraic Topology
We cordially invite you to submit or recommend papers to our conference
through paper submission system. To be considered for an oral
presentation, you may simply submit an abstract.
Call for Speakers
If you wish to serve the conference as an invited speaker,
please send email to us with your CV and photo.
Benefits of Invited Speakers
* Your latest research results will be shared and acknowledged by scholars
around the world. * The title and abstract
of your speech will be posted on the conference website and program
* The title and abstract of your speech will be published in the journal.
* You can enjoy a free registration.
Thank you very much for your attention and best regards,
GTA Organizing Committee
Email: math.jan @ engii.org
Tel: +86 132 6470 2250
QQ: 3025797047
Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内