[geometry-ml:05653] Zhenxiao Xie氏によるオンラインセミナー(5/10)のお知らせ

m19032e @ math.nagoya-u.ac.jp m19032e @ math.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2024年 5月 2日 (木) 06:48:48 JST


名古屋大学の成田知将と申します. 5/10(金) 16:30-18:00(日本時間)に, Zhenxiao Xie氏(Beihang 
Univeristy, 中国)にオンライン研究発表をしていただく運びとなりましたので, お知らせします.

以下, タイトル, アブストラクト, Zoomのリンクです. なお, Zoomの入室は16:00以降にお願いします.

Title: Minimal immersions of conformally flat tori in S^n by the first 

Abstract: Minimal immersions of Riemannian manifolds in S^n by the first 
eigenfunctions appear naturally in the investigation of conformal volume 
and related topics in the spectral geometry. The classification of such 
immersions is known only for round spheres and 2-torus. In this talk, we 
will give a complete classification to conformally flat tori of 
dimension 3 and 4. Several interesting examples will be shown, such as a 
2-parameter family of non-congruent \lambda_1-minimal flat 4-tori. The 
topic of minimal isometric immersions of flat n-tori into spheres will 
also be addressed. This is a joint work with Ying Lv and Peng Wang.

Kazumasa Narita (Nagoya U.) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Zoom meeting invitation - Kazumasa Narita (Nagoya U.)のZoomミーティング
Time: May 10, 2024 04:00 PM Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 849 1630 7752
Passcode: 8hnbkf

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内