[geometry-ml:05576] Fwd: SCMS Workshop on Enumerative Geometry this March

Hiroshi Iritani iritani @ math.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2024年 2月 25日 (日) 22:13:33 JST


3月11日-15日の上海での集会「Workshop on Enumerative Geometry」について,Yang Zhou


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Yang Zhou <y_zhou @ fudan.edu.cn>
Date: 2024年2月25日(日) 20:59
Subject: SCMS Workshop on Enumerative Geometry this March
To: <iritani @ math.kyoto-u.ac.jp>

Dear Professor Iritani,

I hope you are doing well.

Jun Li, Wei-Ping Li, Huai-Liang Chang, Shuai Guo and I are organizing a
Workshop on
Enumerative Geometry on the week of March 11 2024, at Shanghai Center for
Sciences (SCMS), Fudan University, Shanghai.

We are wondering if you could help forward the following advertisement to
whoever might be interested.
Sorry for the short notice! Thanks!

——————————Workshop on Enumerative Geometry————————————
——————Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences (SCMS)—————————
———————————Fudan University Mar. 11-15, 2024————————————

The conference will mostly cover the current research works on
Gromov-Witten theory, virtual cycles,
and related research. All researchers and students in related areas are
welcome. We will partially cover the
expenses for the participants.

The confirmed speakers are Pierrick Bousseau, Alexandr Buryak, Huai-Liang
Chang, Shuai Guo, Yunfeng
Jiang, Young-Hoon Kiem, Y. P. Lee, Hyenho Lho, Melissa Liu, Zhiyu Liu,
Denis Nesterov, Hyeonjun Park,
Renata Picciotto, Qingsheng Zhang, Zijun Zhou, Zhengyu Zong.

A poster for the workshop is attached.

If you are interested to attend the workshop, please use the following link:


A confirmation email will be sent to you with more information about the
accommodation and schedules.

——————————Workshop on Enumerative Geometry————————————

Best regards,
Yang Zhou
Young Investigator (tenure-track) at SCMS
Fudan University

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ファイル名: Workshop on Enumerative Geometry.pdf
型:         application/pdf
サイズ:     1991640 バイト
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URL:        <https://mail.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/pipermail/geometry-ml/attachments/20240225/b663bd4d/attachment.pdf>

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