[geometry-ml:04991] [2023/4, 登録締切1/10] Fwd: Workshop in Okinawa, Japan!

二木昌宏 futaki @ faculty.gs.chiba-u.jp
2022年 12月 28日 (水) 12:42:16 JST




この研究集会に関するお問い合わせは主催者の大須賀けん斗氏(東大数理) osuga @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp までお願い致します。



*差出人: *Kento Osuga <osuga @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp>
*件名: **Workshop in Okinawa, Japan!*
*日付: *2022年11月15日 14:54:42 JST
*宛先: *undisclosed-recipients:;

Dear friends and colleagues,

Hope you are all doing well.

It is my great pleasure to announce that "Invitation to Recursion,
Resurgence, and Combinatorics" will take place in Okinawa, Japan, in April
2023! More details can be found at the workshop website below, but a short
summary is:

   - Date: April 4-7 (4-day School) and April 10-14 (5-day Workshop).
   - Topics: Topological recursion, resurgence, tensor models, and related
   - Application deadline: December 31 (but I recommend you to apply at
   your earliest convenience).
   - Available Support: accommodation and meals for approximately 30
   successful applicants (in addition to invited speakers).
   - There will be a poster session during the school and young researcher
   session during the workshop.
   - Please submit the application form even if you don't need any
   financial support.
   - More details: https://groups.oist.jp/math-phys-2023.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this info with researchers
and students who may be interested in our program. One of the goals of this
program is to bring the culture of topological recursion to Japan and
trigger intercontinental collaborations, so your presence will be an
important factor to achieve it! Feel free to contact me if you have any
questions or concerns.

Hope to see many of you in Okinawa in April!

On behalf of the organisers,

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