[geometry-ml:04927] Analysis on metric spaces Seminar this week

2022年 11月 14日 (月) 07:55:13 JST

Dear all,

This is Xiaodan Zhou from Analysis on metric spaces unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University.

The next talk of our seminar is scheduled on this coming Friday, November 18th 10 am.

Speaker: Li Chen, Louisiana State University

Title: Poincare inequalities on the Vicsek set

The Vicsek set is a tree-like fractal on which neither analog of curvature nor differential structure exists, whereas the heat kernel satisfies sub-Gaussian estimates. I will talk about Sobolev spaces and scale invariant $L^p$ Poincar\'e inequalities on the Vicsek set. Several approaches will be discussed, including the metric approach of Korevaar-Schoen and the approach by limit approximation of discrete p-energies.

You can obtain a zoom link through the following registration page:

More information of the seminar can be found here:
Analysis on Metric Spaces Seminar<https://groups.oist.jp/aoms/2021-summer-analysis-metric-spaces-seminar-0>

Please feel free to forward the information to anyone who may be interested. We look forward to seeing you in the seminar.

Best regards,
Xiaodan Zhou

Analysis on Metric Spaces Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp<mailto:xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp>


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