[geometry-ml:04718] 学習院・早稲田 幾何学セミナー 6/8 16:00-

sumio yamada yamada @ math.gakushuin.ac.jp
2022年 6月 1日 (水) 17:35:53 JST





講演者: John Loftin (Rutgers University)

題目: Cubic Differentials, Harmonic Maps, and Real Buildings
於:学習院大学 南1号館103教室

概要:Consider a Riemann surface S of genus g at least 2 equipped with a
holomorphic cubic differential U.  This pair (S,U) induces, via the theory
of Higgs bundles, a rank-3 bundle with a flat connection, which induces a
representation of the fundamental group into SL(3,R), and these
representations comprise the Hitchin component.  In addition, there is a
harmonic map, equivariant under this representation, from the universal
cover of S into the symmetric space SL(3,R)/SO(3).  This parametrization of
the Hitchin component is not explicit but involves the a system of PDEs.
For nonzero U, we study the case sU as s approaches infinity.  In
particular, we show the geometry in this limit can be read off explicitly
from U, in terms of an embedding of the universal cover of S into the real
building given by the asymptotic cone of the symmetric space
SL(3,R)/SO(3).  We are able to provide explicit pictures for most triangle

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