[geometry-ml:04551] OIST Analysis on metric spaces seminar this week

2021年 12月 8日 (水) 08:54:36 JST

Dear all,

This is Xiaodan Zhou from Analysis on metric spaces unit at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University.

The next talk of our seminar is scheduled on this coming Friday, December 10th 9-10 am.

Speaker: Gozhen Lu, University of Connecticut

Title: Helgason-Fourier analysis techniques on hyperbolic spaces and sharp geometric and functional inequalities

Abstract: In this talk, we will report some recent progress on sharp geometric and functional inequalities by using the Helgason-Fourier analysis techniques on hyperbolic and symmetric spaces. These techniques allow us to establish sharp higher order Hardy-Sobolev-Maz'ya and Hardy-Adams inequalities on upper half spaces, complex Siegel domains and quaternionic and octanionic hyperbolic spaces. Some applications to PDEs will also be given.

You can obtain a zoom link through the following registration page:

More information of the seminar can be found here:

Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions.

Best regards,
Xiaodan Zhou

Analysis on Metric Spaces Unit
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Okinawa 904-0495, Japan
xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp<mailto:xiaodan.zhou @ oist.jp>


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