[geometry-ml:04096] PRCM (online)

ONO, Kaoru ono @ kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2020年 7月 15日 (水) 09:10:36 JST


Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics (online) の Differential Geometry Session の


Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics の Differential Geometry Session を
以下のように online で開きますのでご案内致します。online 開催が決まったのが
参加をお願いします。なお、他の session にも幾何学関連の講演がありますこと

The Eighth Pacific Rim Conference in Mathematics will be a high profile mathematical event that will cover a wide range of exciting research in contemporary mathematics. It will be held online between Monday, August 3rd and Tuesday, August 11th. There will be a session devoted to differential geometry, which will take place on August 5th - 7th (depending on the side of the Pacific Rim you are on). 

The conference organizers request those interested in attending to fill out the very short registration form <https://wp.math.berkeley.edu/pacificrim2020/registration-for-sessions/> on the website so that they may be later emailed information directly about how to access the live-streamed videos (over Zoom). 

The speakers in the differential geometry session are:

Plenary speaker: Richard Bamler, University of California, Berkeley

Session speakers:
Ailana Fraser, University of British Columbia
Jesse Gell-Redman, University of Melbourne
Tsuyoshi Kato, Kyoto University
Shinichiroh Matsuo, Nagoya University
Jeff Viaclovsky, University of California, Irvine
More information about talk times is on the session page <https://wp.math.berkeley.edu/pacificrim2020/sessions/differential-geometry-august-5-7/> on the conference website.

ONO, Kaoru
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
Kyoto University
Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Tel: +81-75-753-7207
Fax: +81-75-753-7276

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