[geometry-ml:02888] Kavli IPMU で、サイエンスコミュニケーション教員の公募

Motoko Kotani m-kotani @ m.tohoku.ac.jp
2017年 1月 21日 (土) 12:50:47 JST


東大 河野俊丈先生よりのご依頼に基づき下記投稿いたします。






Kavli IPMU で、サイエンスコミュニケーションを研究する任期なしの










The Kavli IPMU invites applicants for an Associate or Full Professor
position in the field of science communication. The successful candidate is
expected to create a strong synergy between science communication and our
research fields: theoretical and experimental particle physics, cosmological
physics, astronomy, mathematics, and statistics to pursue our goal.  We are
particularly interested in candidates with broad interests to interact with
scientists at Kavli IPMU. The successful candidate is also expected to work
with the university headquarters to promote public relations of the


We seek to build a diverse, highly interactive membership.  Female and
international applicants are strongly encouraged.


The application should include a CV, research statement, publication list,
and at least six letters of recommendation. They should be uploaded at


*Application Form  


Applications and letters should be submitted  by February 7th, 2017.

Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli
IPMU), The University of Tokyo Institutes for Advanced Study, is an
international research institute with English as its official language
established in October 2007. The goal of the institute is to discover the
fundamental laws of nature and to understand the universe from the
synergistic perspectives of mathematics, theoretical and experimental
physics, astronomy, and statistics.  


Kavli IPMU is on the Kashiwa campus of  the University of Tokyo.  More than
a half of its full-time scientific members come from outside Japan. 

 Its annual budget is approximately $13M. Kavli IPMU has a satellite in
Kamioka to maintain close connection with groups working on underground


Hitoshi Murayama

Director, Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe
(Kavli IPMU) UTokyo Institutes for Advanced Study (UTIAS), University of

5-1-5 Kashiwa-no-Ha, Kashiwa City, Chiba 277-8583, Japan

Tel: +81-4-7136-5961FAX: +81-4-7136-4941director @ ipmu.jp
<mailto:+81-4-7136-4941director @ ipmu.jp> 


MacAdams Professor of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA


Tel: +1-510-642-1019FAX: +1-510-643-8497hitoshi @ berkeley.edu
<mailto:+1-510-643-8497hitoshi @ berkeley.edu>  


Faculty Senior Staff, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, MS 50A-5104,
Berkeley, CA 94720

Tel: +1-510-486-6659FAX: +1-510-486-6808murayama @ lbl.gov
<mailto:+1-510-486-6808murayama @ lbl.gov>  



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Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内