[geometry-ml:02299] Mini-workshop on Topological States and Non-commutative Geometry

Motoko Kotani m-kotani @ m.tohoku.ac.jp
2015年 3月 5日 (木) 15:32:01 JST





�北大学 小谷元子



Mini-workshop on Topological States and Non-commutative Geometry


March 23rd (Mon.) � 26th (Thu.), 2015

Place: WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University 2nd Floor Seminar Room   

2-1-1 Katahira, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577 Japan



Graduate Program in Spintronics, Tohoku University

Mini-workshop on Topological States

and Non-commutative Geometry

Date: March 23rd (Mon.) � 26th (Thu.), 2015

Place: WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University 2nd Floor Seminar room

(2-1-1 Katahita, Aoba-ku, Sendai, 980-8577 Japan)

Access: http://www.wpi-aimr.tohoku.ac.jp/en/about/access/



March 23rd:

14:00-14:50 Marcello Porta (University of Zürich)

“Bulk-edge duality for two-dimensional topological insulators Ⅰ”

15:10-16:00 Shinichiroh Matsuo (Osaka University)

“Bulk-edge correspondence and the Gysin map in K-theory Ⅰ”


16:30-17:20 Kiyonori Gomi (Shinshu University)

“The FKMM invariant”


March 24th:

10:00-10:50 Marcello Porta (University of Zürich)

“Bulk-edge duality for two-dimensional topological insulators Ⅱ”

11:10-12:00 Shinichiroh Matsuo (Osaka University)

“Bulk-edge correspondence and the Gysin map in K-theory Ⅱ”


14:00-14:50 Peter Bouwknegt (The Australian National University)

“Topological phases and the ABS-construction Ⅰ”

15:10-16:00 Yosuke Kubota (University of Tokyo)

“Bulk-edge correspondence via coarse geometry Ⅰ”


16:30-17:20 Koji Sato (Tohoku University)

“Electronic Berry curvature induced by the interaction with magnetostatic


March 25th:

10:00-10:50 Shinichiroh Matsuo (Osaka University)

“Bulk-edge correspondence and the Gysin map in K-theory Ⅲ”

11:10-12:00 Takahiko Yoshida (Meiji University)

“Torus fibrations and localization of index”


14:00-14:50 Alan Carey (The Australian National University) & Christopher
Bourne (University of Wollongong)

“Non-commutative Chern numbers, KK theory and index computations Ⅰ”

15:10-16:00 Yosuke Kubota (University of Tokyo)

“Bulk-edge correspondence via coarse geometry Ⅱ”


16:30-17:20 Masatoshi Sato (Nagoya University)

“Symmetry and topology in insulators and superconductors Ⅰ”


March 26th:

10:00-10:50 Peter Bouwknegt (The Australian National University)

“Topological phases and the ABS-construction Ⅱ”

11:10-12:00 Alan Carey (The Australian National University) & Christopher
Bourne (University of Wollongong)

“Non-commutative Chern numbers, KK theory and index computations Ⅱ”


14:00-14:50 Guo Chuan Thiang (University of Adelaide)

“K-theory as obstructions between topological phases”

15:10-16:00 Shin Hayashi (University of Tokyo)



16:30-17:20 Masatoshi Sato (Nagoya University)

“Symmetry and topology in insulators and superconductors Ⅱ”

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