[geometry-ml:01897] 神楽坂幾何学セミナーのご案内

boumuki boumuki @ rs.tus.ac.jp
2013年 10月 31日 (木) 17:14:42 JST



日時:     平成25年11月16日(土)  16時--17時
場所:     東京理科大学神楽坂校舎3号館4階 343教室
講演者:   George Bluman (The University of British Columbia)
タイトル: How to Find Systematically Nonlocally Related Systems 
          and Nonlocal Symmetries for Partial Differential Equations

In the late 19th century, Sophus Lie introduced the notion of what is 
now called Lie groups of point transformations (point symmetries) to 
put order to and extend systematically heuristic techniques for 
solving ODEs.  Lie showed how to find admitted point symmetries for 
PDEs and how to use them to find corresponding invariant 
solutions.  However, from the point of view of applications, Lie's 
work is rather restricted since few PDE systems have point symmetries 
or useful point symmetries. Since the end of the 19th century there 
have been signifcant extensions of Lie's work that will be 
discussed.  From the topological point of view, every nontrivial PDE 
system has symmetries. In this seminar, we will focus on how to find 
systematically equivalent non-invertibly related PDE systems for a 
given PDE system.  In particular, it will be shown how each local CL 
and, separately, each point symmetry of a given PDE system yield such 
equivalent invertibly related .PDE systems.  The use of subsystems 
for this purpose will also be discussed.  In turn, it will be shown 
how such nonlocally related systems can yield nonlocal symmetries for 
a given PDE system through an extension of Lie's algorithm for 
finding point symmetries.  Many examples will be exhibited.

Bluman, Cheviakov and Anco: Applications of Symmetry Methods to 
Partial Differential Equations, Springer 2010: Chapters 3 and 4.




小池直之 (koike at ma.kagu.tus.ac.jp) 
坊向伸隆 (boumuki at rs.tus.ac.jp)


Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内