[geometry-ml:01359] 基研セミナー案内: R. Schoen 教授( 2011 年 12 月 18 日)

深谷 賢治 fukaya @ math.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2011年 11月 9日 (水) 08:18:16 JST



  12月18日(日)にStanford大学のRichard Schoen教授のセミナーを


京都大学基礎物理学研究所 宇宙素粒子セミナーのお知らせ

Speaker: Professor Richard Schoen(Stanford University)

Date: 18th December 2011 (Sun), 13:30-16:30

Place: Conference room K206 in Main building of YITP

*Part I:  13:30-14:30

Title:Scalar curvature in differential geometry and relativity


Many results about the scalar curvature in differential geometry
have meaning in general relativity, and thus geometric techniques
have direct bearing on physical problems. On the other hand conjectures and
intuition from GR have led to new and important geometric problems and
solutions of old ones. Examples of this interaction include positive
mass theorems, the Yamabe problem, existence of trapped surfaces, and
notions of quasilocal mass. This talk will be a survey of this area
with major emphasis on the mathematical problems involved.

*Part II: 15:30-16:30

Title:Mass and angular momentum for asymptotically flat spacetimes


For stationary rotating black holes (Kerr solutions) there is a
bound on the size of the angular momentum in terms of the mass.
The question of proving such a bound for more general spacetimes
is of substantial interest. We will discuss the mass/angular momentum
inequalities which have been obtained over the past few years for
axysymmetric black hole spacetimes. We will present a new approach
to these proposed recently by Xin Zhou and the speaker. Finally we
will discuss our construction with L. H. Huang and M. Wang which
enables us (for non-axysymmetric spacetimes) to "glue in" an arbitrarily
specified amount of angular momentum to vacuum solutions without
changing the mass and linear momentum.


備考 :
The research building is unlocked from 13:00 to 17:30 on the Sunday.

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内