[geometry-ml:01201] Fwd: Post-doc positions in Pisa

Shin-ichi Ohta sohta @ math.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2011年 1月 13日 (木) 10:02:54 JST


Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa) のLuigi Ambrosio氏からの

 京都大学 太田慎一

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> The Scuola Normale announces a public selection for 2 research contracts funded by the ERC grant
> "Geometric Measure Theory in non Euclidean Spaces"
> under the supervision of Luigi Ambrosio. For one of the two contracts there is the possibility to carry out part of the research
> program in Zurich, under the supervision of prof. Camillo De Lellis, team member of the project.
> A short notice in .pdf is attached. Deadline for applications: January 22, 2011.
> All informations are available at:
> http://www.sns.it/it/borse/collaboratoriesterni/annoincorso/avviso123/

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ファイル名: short_notice.pdf
型:         application/unknown
サイズ:     130639 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <https://mail.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/pipermail/geometry-ml/attachments/20110113/b2d00d3d/attachment.bin>

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