[geometry-ml:00249] Re: 講演ご案内

Yoshiaki Maeda maeda @ math.keio.ac.jp
2005年 1月 6日 (木) 14:57:06 JST


を慶應義塾大学COE事業推進担当、中倉(nakakura @ educ.cc.keio.ac.jp)までお知らせいただけ

講師: Gerard 't Hooft 教授(Utrecht大学)


場所:慶應義塾大学理工学部 14棟201号室

題目:The biggest mysteries of our physical world:
why is there quantum mechanics, and why is the vacuum stable?

Abstract: In our attempts to reconcile Quantum Mechanics with Einstein's
theory of the gravitational force, the need is felt to dig deeper into the
foundations of Quantum mechanics. The quantum mechanical nature of the Laws
of Physics as we experience them today, may well be attributed to chaotic
phenomena at the Planck scale, 10^-33 cm. These chaotic fluctuations can
indeed be seen to allow for a "quantummechanical logic", except for one
thing: it is difficult to understand why one particular chaotic state exists
that appears to be completely stable: the vacuum state. Yet this would have
been the most elegant way to understand the behaviour of black holes at the
Planck scale, and moreover: nature seems to be giving us a clue: the
gravitational force appears to be very finely tuned to be zero precisely at
the vacuum state.

慶應義塾大学理工学部 前田

Yoshiaki Maeda  maeda @ math.keio.ac.jp

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内