[geometry-ml:00158] Re:
fukaya @ kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
2003年 11月 19日 (水) 00:13:05 JST
1st Announcement
月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日
10:00〜11:00 Sageev 上村 森吉 太田 Wright
11:30〜12:30 山下 Bell Wright Zuk 森吉
14:30〜15:30 王 Sageev Free 藤原
16:00〜17:00 Bell Ollivier 石渡
この研究会に引き続き京都Coarse Geometry Schoolが開催されます。
毅tkato @ kusm.kyoto-u.ac.jpまでご連絡ください.)
Gregory C. Bell (Pennsylvania State University) Pennsylvania
Title: TBA
藤原耕ニ Fujiwara Koji (Tohoku University) Sendai
Title: CAT(0) dimensions of discrete groups
石渡 聡 Ishiwata Satoshi (Tohoku University) Sendai
Title: Geometric and analytic properties in the behavior
of the random walks on nilpotent covering graphs
上村 新吾 Kamimura Shingo (Keio University) Hiyoshi
Title: TBA
森吉仁志 Moriyoshi Hitoshi (Keio University) Hiyoshi
Talk 1 Title: TBA
Talk 2 Title: TBA
太田慎一 Ohta Shin-ichi (Kyoto University) Kyoto
Title: Regularity of harmonic functions on metric spaces
Yann Ollivier (Universite de Paris-Sud) Orsay
Title: TBA
Michah Sageev (Technion) Haifa
Talk 1 Title: CAT(0) cubical complexes in group theory
We will give an overview of groups acting on CAT(0) cubical complexes
and discuss how they relate to various other topics in geometric group
Talk 2 Title: Maximally symmetric trees
We will discuss a quasi-isometric rigidity result
for group actions onbounded valence bushy trees.
We then discuss how this result,
together with some results on edge-indexed graphs,
can be used to characterize the ``best" model
geometries for the class of virtually free groups.
This is joint work with Lee Mosher and Kevin Whyte.
王勤 Qin Wang (Dong Hua University) Shanghai
Title: Ideal Structure of Uniform Roe Algebras of Coarse Spaces
Daniel Wise (McGill University) Montreal (確認中)
Nick Wright (Vanderbilt University) Nashville
Talk 1 Title: Coarse geometry and $C^*$-algebras
In this first talk I will introduce the Roe algebra, and discuss
how this encodes information about the large scale structure of a space.
I will also talk about the relation with the K-homology of a space.
Talk 2 Title: $C_0$ coarse geometry and scalar curvature
In this second talk I will discuss the $C_0$ variant of coarse
geometry, and I will indicate how coarse geometry can be used to establish
upper bounds on the scalar curvature content of a space.
山下 靖 Yamashita Yasushi (Nara Women University) Nara
Title: On Gersten's problem
Joint work with:
田村誠 Makoto Tamura (Osaka Sangyo University) Osaka,
中川義行 Yoshiyuki Nakagawa (Ryukoku University) Kyoto
Andrzej Zuk (Chiago University, ENS Lyon) Chicago, Lyon
Title: TBA
Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内