<TITLE>Postdoc at University of Adelaide</TITLE>
</TT>$B%"%G%l!<%IBg3X!J%*!]%9%H%i%j%"!K$N(J<FONT SIZE="1"><FONT FACE="Monaco">Michael Eastwood</FONT></FONT>$B;a$h$j!$0J2<$N$h$&$J(J<BR>
<FONT SIZE="1"><FONT FACE="Monaco">A 3 year postdoc in complex geometry has just been advertised at the<BR>
University of Adelaide. The closing date is 28th February 2003 and<BR>
the official advert is at <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>http://www.adelaide.edu.au/jobs/11744.html</U></FONT>.<BR>
Please bring this to the attention of prospective candidates.<BR>
Thanks very much. Apologies for the bulk e-mailing.<BR>
Michael Eastwood and Nicholas Buchdahl<BR>
Department of Mathematics,<BR>
Hokkaido University,<BR>
Sapporo 060-0810, JAPAN<BR>
Fax 81-11-717-9303<BR>
E-mail: yamaguch@math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp<BR>