[geometry-ml:05996] OCAMI複素解析セミナー(11/22, Giovanni Placini 氏)
Takayuki Koike
tkoike @ omu.ac.jp
2024年 11月 13日 (水) 12:45:33 JST
2024年11月22日 (金) 16:00-17:00
大阪公立大学 杉本キャンパス 理学部F棟 小講究室A (F404)
講演者:Giovanni Placini 氏 (University of Cagliari)
講演題目:An informal discussion on Kahler manifolds
Rational formality is a well known property of Kahler manifolds. Notably, the known proofs of formality of Kahler manifolds do not translate in the analogous holomorphic setting: bigraded homotopy theory. The goal of this talk is to discuss these notions of formality and provide examples of non-formal projective manifolds. To this end, we will show that certain higher cohomology operations (ABC-Massey products) are generally non-trivial on projective manifolds. If times permits, we will show that some classes of Kahler manifolds are instead formal in the bigraded sense. This talk is based on joint works with Jonas Stelzig and Leopold Zoller.
世話人:橋本義規, 小池貴之
小池 貴之
tkoike @ omu.ac.jp
大阪公立大学 大学院理学研究科 数学教室
〒558-8585 大阪市住吉区杉本3−3−138
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