[geometry-ml:05598] おいでMath談話会(2024年4月)のご案内 / Catch-all-Math in April

Reiko Miyaoka r-miyaok @ tohoku.ac.jp
2024年 3月 17日 (日) 20:48:30 JST

2024年4月開催のおいでMath談話会についてお知らせします.(for English, see below)


講演者:水藤寛 氏(東北大学, 材料科学高等研究所)


題目(第2部):国際インターンシップG-RIPS Sendai プログラムのご紹介(言語:日本語)


参加登録:https://forms.gle/tNhADG4stvMJZZa67 (締切(3月31日17:00)

世話人:Benoit Collins (京都大学), 濱中翔太 (阪大,OCAMI), 石井志保子 (東京大学), Sonia Mahmoudi (
東北大学), 宮岡礼子 (東北大学), 斎藤新悟 (九州大学), Karel Svadlenka (東京都立大学)


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you about Catch-All Math Colloquium in April 2024.

Time: 2024 April 3 (Wednesday) 2:00-4:00 PM (JST), Online
Speaker: Hiroshi Suito (Tohoku University, AIMR)
Title (first talk): Mathematical modeling and its computational
imple-mentations for the human circulatory system (language: English)

Title (second talk): An international research program on industrial
problems for math students (language: Japanese, partly English)

The first part is a talk on mathematics, designed so that it is
understandable to a general mathematical audience.
The second part is aimed at catching and promoting diverse groups of people
doing math and besides the speaker’s contemplation also includes
small-group exchanges.

Please see the webpage below for details:

Register here by 5 pm on March 31: https://forms.gle/tNhADG4stvMJZZa67

Organizers: Benoit Collins (Kyoto U.), Shota Hamanaka (Osaka U.,
OCAMI), Shihoko
Ishii (U. Tokyo), Sonia Mahmoudi (Tohoku U.), Reiko Miyaoka (Tohoku U.), Shingo
Saito (Kyushu U.), Karel Svadlenka (TMU)

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