[geometry-ml:05300] MS seminar at Kavli IPMU — Penghui Li

Todor Milanov todor.milanov @ ipmu.jp
2023年 8月 19日 (土) 16:44:35 JST

Dear all,

I apologize for the spam. A couple of days ago I made an announcement for a
talk by Penghui Li. The speaker had to change his travel plans which lead
to a change of the date of his talk. The new schedule is as follows:

Penghui Li (Tsinghua University),
Graded character sheaves, HOFLY-PT homology, and Hilbert scheme of points
on C^2,
Aug 29 (Tu), 15:30-17:00, Seminar Room A + ZOOM.
The abstract is available on


Note that the seminar webpage will be updated on Monday!

The ZOOM log in is

Meeting ID: 921 1635 6660
Password: 240088

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