[geometry-ml:05167] 2023年6月開催 おいでMath ご案内: Announcement on Catch-All Math Colloquium

Reiko Miyaoka r-miyaok @ tohoku.ac.jp
2023年 5月 23日 (火) 09:03:45 JST

*Monthly announcement of Catch-All Math colloquium in June (**日本語は下にあります**)*

Thursday, 15 June 2023: 10 :00 AM – 12:00 noon (Caution! Time is different
from usual) Speaker: Daisuke Ikegami
<https://researchmap.jp/ikegami?lang=en> (Shibaura Institute of Technology)


Though I wanted to become a mathematician since my 5th grade, I never
seriously studied university mathematics in my junior high & high school. I
just wanted to be a mathematician vaguely. In my undergraduate, I became
interested in mathematical logic, and I decided to major in set theory. At
that time, I never thought I would need to use German in foreign countries
which I learned lazily in school. However, after obtaining my master's
degree, I studied abroad, lived in 5 western countries, and spent 8 years
in total before coming back to Japan. With this experience, I am now a
faculty member of an undergraduate program taught completely in English in
a Japanese university. Looking back to my life so far, it has been a series
of coincidences and miracles.

Title (first part): Infinite numbers and infinite games (In English)

*Abstract **(first part)**:*

Since childhood, we have been counting things with numbers and comparing
two groups of things in numbers. As you may have tried and failed in your
childhood, it is difficult to count infinite things with numbers in your
real life. However, one can formulate to compare two infinite sets in
numbers mathematically. Also, one can generalize the notion of natural
numbers into infinite numbers mathematically. Set theory is a branch of
mathematics on infinite numbers and infinite sets. In this talk, we will
have an introduction to set theory and touch on a research topic about the
connections between infinite numbers and infinite games.
Title (second part): Mathematician? --> Set Theory! --> Studying abroad (in
Japanese) Abstract (second part): I will talk about my experience on how I
aimed to become a mathematician in elementary school, how I started to
major in set theory in undergraduate school, and how I decided to study
abroad in graduate school.   Discussion Theme in Breakout room: On study
abroad (You can choose your room; English speaking room or Japanese
speaking room)


Registration form:  https://forms.gle/ThqYPqNEQrNQjN4L9

Deadline for registration: 5pm on 10 June

The Zoom link will be sent to the registered people.

Organizers: Benoit Collins (Kyoto U.), Shihoko Ishii (U.Tokyo),

Reiko Miyaoka (TohokuU.),Shingo Saito (Kyushu U.), Makiko Sasada (U.Tokyo),

Karel Svadlenka (Kyoto U.)


*日時**:**6**月**15**日**(**木**)午前**10:00—12:00 **正午 *(いつもと時間が異なりますのでご注意)









 登録フォーム: https://forms.gle/ThqYPqNEQrNQjN4L9


登録された方にZoom link をお送りいたします.

世話人:Benoit Collins (京都大学), 石井志保子(東京大学), 宮岡礼子(東北大学)

斎藤新悟(九州大学), 佐々田槙子(東京大学), Karel Svadlenka(京都大学)

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