[geometry-ml:05163] 幾何学セミナー:River Chiang 氏, Kento Osuga氏

m guest marguemg22 @ gmail.com
2023年 5月 18日 (木) 10:36:29 JST



場所:早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 51-17-08
日程:2023年5月31日  (水)(15:30 -17:00)

講演者:River Chiang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
 題目:"Examples of non-fillable contact manifolds"
ABSTRACT: (TBA:  http://www.f.waseda.jp/martin/seminars.html)

場所:早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス 51-17-08
日程:2023年6月7日  (水)(15:30 -17:00)

講演者:Kento Osuga (Tokyo University)
 題目:"Invitation to topological recursion"
ABSTRACT: Topological recursion is a powerful recursive formalism to
compute a variety of algebro-geometric invariants such as Gromov-Witten
invariants, Hurwitz numbers, and more. In this talk I will give a
pedagogical review of the formalism of topological recursion, and present
several applications in enumerative geometry and integrable hierarchy. If
time permits, I will mention either an algebraic reformulation of
topological recursion in terms of so-called Airy structures of Kontsevich
and Soibelman, or I will mention my recent work on refinement.


Martin Guest

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