[geometry-ml:05035] 2月のおいでMath談話会のご案内

Reiko Miyaoka r-miyaok @ tohoku.ac.jp
2023年 1月 31日 (火) 16:43:29 JST

Dear all,

We are pleased to inform you Catch-All Math colloquium in in January.

February 14, Tuesday, 15:00-17:00 PM (JST), Sumio Yamada (Gakushuin

Title (first talk): ``What is a black hole? --a very concise geometric
introduction to general relativity--

【abstract】 The Einstein equation has remained a big mystery as well as a
source of much fascination over the last 100 years. The recent breakthrough
in the detection of gravitational waves, as well as the Event Horizon
Telescope photography of black holes have only caused even more excitement
and puzzlement of the subject. It was further punctured by the most unusual
occurrence of a mathematician (Roger Penrose) receiving a Nobel prize in
physics in 2020. In this talk, I will give my best shot as a geometer,
trying to convey the geometry of black hole induced by the Einstein
Here is a list of topics:
1.  Newton vs. Einstein
2.  Special Relativity and Maxwell Equation
3.  geometry of Schwarzschild Spacetime
4.  Bonnet-Myers Theorem and Penrose Singularity Theorem
5.  End of the World according to Penrose.

Title (second talk): A personal perspective on getting PhD's in the US and
developing a career abroad.

【abstract】 I will give some comments about my own experiences in the
American academic community and my own trajectory in my scientific career,
most of it objective statements, with perhaps a bit of personal takes. I
would be happy if this is useful information for the younger generation, as
well as for the older generations who are currently in charge of nurturing
the younger ones.

Discussion Theme: Researchers and uncertainty

Register here by Feb.9: https://forms.gle/xXsXqKgTkZwEqd7p7


Organizers: Benoit Collins (Kyoto U.), Shihoko Ishii (U.Tokyo), Reiko
Miyaoka (Tohoku U.),
Shingo Saito (Kyushu U.), Makiko Sasada (U.Tokyo), Karel Svadlenka (Kyoto



日時:2023年2月14日(火) 15:00—17:00 PM

題目1:ブラックホールって何? ー幾何学的入門ー

1.  ニュートン vs. アインシュタイン
2.  特殊相対性理論とマックスウェル方程式
3.  シュバルツシルト時空の幾何学
4.  ボンネ・マイヤーの定理とペンローズの特異点定理
5.  世界の終わりとペンローズ予想



議論のテーマ: 研究者と不確定性

参加登録:https://forms.gle/xXsXqKgTkZwEqd7p7 (締め切り2月9日)


世話人:Benoit Collins (京都大学), 石井志保子(東京大学), 宮岡礼子(東北大学)
斎藤新悟(九州大学), 佐々田槙子(東京大学), Karel Svadlenka(京都大学)

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