[geometry-ml:04795] Hayama 2022 update

Kengo Hirachi hirachi @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2022年 7月 21日 (木) 19:11:29 JST


多変数関数論葉山シンポジウム「ベルグマン核生誕100年」のHome pageを更新しました.



July 24	
9:00-9:50	Mei-Chi Shaw,	Extendability and the Cauchy-Riemann operator on the Hartogs triangle
10:00-10:50 Dror Varolin, BLS Fields

July 27
10:00-10:50 Masanori Adachi, A residue formula for meromorphic connections and applications to stable sets of foliations
11:00-11:50 Genkai Zhang, Wehrl-type inequality for Bergman spaces on bounded domains in C^n
19:30-20:30 Short communications

July 28	
Room 002 @ MathSci.UTokyo
10:00-10:50 Joe Kamimoto, Asymptotic analysis of the Bergman kernel on pseudoconvex model domains
11:00-11:50 Zhitong Mi, Concavity property of minimal L^2 integrals
14:00-14:50 Takeo Ohsawa, Convexity properties of complete Kähler domains
15:10-16:00 Xiangyu Zhou, Converse of L^2 existence, Nakano positive vector bundles and Lempert's problem
16:10-17:00 Bo-Yong Chen, Some aspects of the p-Bergman theory



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