[geometry-ml:04708] Re: CREST Seminar

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi yasuyuki @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2022年 5月 23日 (月) 21:12:48 JST

CREST オンラインセミナーの次回講演は以下のようになります.普段より時間が30 

Speaker: Yuya Tanizaki (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto 
Title: Semiclassics with 't Hooft flux and confinement of 4d gauge theories 
via center vortices
Date/Time: 16:30-18:00, Friday, June 10, 2022 (The time slot is different 
from the usual one.)
Abstract:Confinement of 4d gauge theories is usually the strong-coupling 
problem, and it is a difficult task to understand even its qualitative 
features. We are developing its semiclassical understanding based on the 
idea of volume independence or adiabatic continuity. We conjecture that the 
strong-coupling regime of many 4d gauge theories is continuously connected 
to the weak-coupling theories on small R2xT2 with the nontrivial ‘t Hooft 
flux. As a partial justification, we explicitly confirm that the dilute gas 
of center vortices can describe the fractional theta periodicity for pure 
YM theory and the chiral Lagrangian for QCD in this small T2 regime. We 
also uncover why this is possible in view of the 't Hooft anomaly matching 

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