[geometry-ml:04410] ワークショップ 「The 4th and 5th Geometric Analysis Festivals」 のお知らせ

國川慶太 kunikawa @ cc.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp
2021年 8月 8日 (日) 13:01:13 JST


Jeonbuk National University(韓国)のHojoo Leeさんからワークショップ「The 
4th and 5th Geometric Analysis 


Hi, this is Hojoo Lee at Jeonbuk National University, Korea. Here are 
*key open data* of *GAFs*, a series of *virtual workshops* I am running 
since last year:

GAFs Program Book (33 pages) : https://bit.ly/3yxHm7d 

Lecture slides (or notes) of *77 speakers* at previous GAFs : 
https://bit.ly/2UUJ3Nu <https://bit.ly/2UUJ3Nu>

Lecture videos : 

*GAFs Webpage* : https://cosmogeometer.wordpress.com/geometric-analysis 

The speakers at the* 4th GAF*, so far confirmed, are

  * Gregório Pacelli Bessa  (Universidade Federal do Ceará)
  * Simon Blatt <http://blatt.sbg.ac.at/>  (University of Salzburg)
  * Volker Branding <https://www.mat.univie.ac.at/~branding> (University
    of Vienna)
  * Sven Hirsch <https://scholars.duke.edu/person/sven.hirsch>  (Duke
  * Joshua Jordan <https://jpjorda1.github.io/webpage> (University of
    California, Irvine)
  * Tobias Lamm <https://www.math.kit.edu/iana1/~lamm/en>  (Karlsruhe
    Institute of Technology)
  * Dan A. Lee <https://qcpages.qc.cuny.edu/~dlee2>  (CUNY Graduate
    Center and Queens College)
  * Philippe G. LeFloch <http://philippelefloch.org/>  (Sorbonne
    University and CNRS)
  * David Lundberg  (Uppsala University)
  * Niels Martin Møller <http://web.math.ku.dk/~nmoller>  (University of
    Copenhagen and The Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology
  * Álvaro Krüger Ramos
    <https://profalvaroramos.wordpress.com/> (Universidade Federal do
    Rio Grande do Sul)
  * Xuwen Zhang  (Xiamen University)

If anyone would like to *present talks* at the *4th GAF*, they should 
*register* themselves at

https://forms.gle/vHYrPxs5bRDwAodP9 <https://forms.gle/vHYrPxs5bRDwAodP9>

hopefully before the *1st September*, which is a tentative deadline. I 
encourage both* senior* and *young scholars*, in particular, *graduate 
students* to present virtual talks (if their work is ready to toss on 
arXiv or published already in public) at the forthcoming GAFs. Before 
the *3rd September*, each speaker uploads a TeX file containing title, 
abstract, keywords in their shared Dropbox folder. Before the *18th 
September*, each speaker uploads lecture videos and lecture scripts (or 
notes) in their shared Dropbox folder. In the case of the recent joint Q 
and A sessions with 2nd and 3rd GAF speakers , we harvested around 80 
questions in advance. You may have a look at Questions Book in the open 
folder at https://bit.ly/3yxHm7d <https://bit.ly/3yxHm7d>

The *5th GAF* is tentatively scheduled in *January 2022*.

The themes include *(1)* geometric flows and solitons, *(2) *geometric 
PDEs, *(3)* constant mean curvature surfaces, *(4)* minimal 
submanifolds, *(5)* special Lagrangian and calibrated geometry, 
*(6)* isoperimetric problems, *(7) *other geometric inequalities, 
*(8)* scalar and/or Ricci curvature, *(9)* Mathematical relativity, 
*(10)* spectral geometry.

I would be happy if you *share* this information with anyone potentially 
interested in GAFs. If you have any questions, please let me know.

All the best,

Hojoo from Jeonju, Korea.

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