[geometry-ml:04253] The Final Announcement of the 6th Workshop "Complex Geometry and Lie Groups” (ONLINE)
Keizo Hasegawa
hasegawa @ math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp
2021年 1月 26日 (火) 16:30:41 JST
The 6th workshop “Complex Geometry and Lie Groups”
(Toki Messe (Niigata Convention Center, Niigata-shi, JAPAN)
2021年2月15日(月)〜 2月20日(土)
Registration (登録) を「2021年2月1日(月)」までにお願いします。
https://sites.google.com/site/annafino/the-6th-workshop-complex-geometry-and-lie-groups <https://sites.google.com/site/annafino/the-6th-workshop-complex-geometry-and-lie-groups>
https://www.tokimesse.com <https://www.tokimesse.com/>
(注) ZOOMによる研究会での研究交流を効率的に行うため,またsecurity上の
理由でSLACK (online communication platform)を開設しました。
研究会ZOOM meeting へのLink (Id &passcode)はここに掲示いたします。
Registration (登録)された方にSLACKへのinvitation linkをお送りしております。
Anna Fino
Ryushi Goto
Keizo Hasegawa
Fabio Podestà
Massimiliano Pontecorvo
Mail address: hasegawa @ math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp <mailto:hasegawa @ math.sci.osaka-u.ac.jp>
Program (簡略版)(変更の可能性があります)
February 15 (Monday)
Hisashi Kasuya (Osaka University):
Higgs bundles and flat connections over compact Sasakian manifolds and their applications.
Fabrizio Catanese (University of Bayreuth):
Automorphism groups of compact Kaehler manifolds and surfaces.
Luigi Vezzoni (Università di Torino):
Geometric flows of Hermitian metrics on Lie groups.
Eugenia Loiudice (University of Marburg):
How to construct f-K-contact and S-manifolds.
16 (Tuesday)
Ryosuke Takahashi (RIMS, Kyoto):
Some geometric flow approaches for deformed Hermitian-Yang-Mills equation.
Alexandra Otiman (Università Roma3):
Special non-Kähler metrics on solvmanifolds.
Dan Popovici (University of Toulouse):
Higher-Page Hodge Theory of Compact Complex Manifolds.
Daniele Angella (Università di Firenze):
Locally conformally Kähler threefolds of algebraic dimension 2.
17 (Wednesday)
Kazushi Ueda (University of Tokyo):
Homological mirror symmetry for affine K3 surfaces.
Oliver Goertsches (University of Marburg):
Hamiltonian non-Kähler actions in low dimensions.
Francis E. A. Johnson (University College London):
Fibering by locally symmetric spaces
Kotaro Kawai (Gakushuin University):
Deformation theory of deformed Donaldson--Thomas connections.
18 (Thursday)
Kengo Hirachi (University of Tokyo):
Local and global invariants of CR geometry.
Kazuyuki Hasegawa (Kanazawa University):
The quaternionic/hypercomplex-correspondence.
Alberto Raffero (Università di Torino):
Symplectic half-flat manifolds with large symmetry group.
Federico A. Rossi (Università degli Studi di Milano):
Diagram involutions and homogeneous Ricci-flat metrics.
19 (Friday)
Nobuhiro Honda (Tokyo Inst. Tech.):
Segre surfaces and minitwistor spaces with genus one
Leonardo Biliotti (Università di Parma):
Satake-Furstenberg compactifications and gradient map.
Vicente Cortes (University of Hamburg):
Generalized connections, integrability, and T-duality.
Michela Zedda (Università di Parma):
Stability with respect to actions of real reductive Lie groups.
20 (Saturday)
Yuji Odaka (Kyoto University):
Collapsing hyperKahler manifolds and Satake compactification of adjoint type.
Adriano Tomassini (Parma)
Nicolina Istrati (Tel Aviv):
Toric Kato manifolds.
Zakarias Jon Sjostrom Dyrefelt (ICTP, Trieste):
Constant scalar curvature and Kähler manifolds with nef canonical bundle.
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