[geometry-ml:04251] Complex Geometric Analysis Seminar 1/25

Kengo Hirachi hirachi @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2021年 1月 19日 (火) 16:53:32 JST



10:30-12:00   オンライン開催
Young-Jun Choi 氏 (Pusan National University)
Existence of a complete holomorphic vector field via the Kähler-Einstein metric
[ 講演概要 ]
A fundamental problem in Several Complex Variables is to classify bounded pseudoconvex domains in the complex Euclidean space with a noncompact automorphism group, especially with a compact quotient. In the results of Wong-Rosay and Frankel, they make use of the "Scaling method'' for obtaining an 1-parameter family of automorphisms, which generates a holomorphic vector field.
In this talk, we discuss the existence of a nowhere vanishing complete holomorphic vector filed on a strongly pseudoconvex manifold admtting a negatively curved Kähler-Einstein metric and discrete sequence of automorphisms by introducing the scaling method on potentials of the Kähler-Einstein metric.
[ 参考URL ]
https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vcu2rrDIqG9Rv5AT0Mpi37urIkJ1IRldB <https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vcu2rrDIqG9Rv5AT0Mpi37urIkJ1IRldB>
https://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/geocomp/future.html <https://www.ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp/seminar/geocomp/future.html>


平地 健吾, 高山 茂晴
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