[geometry-ml:04236] [Feb 2021] The 1st Geometric Analysis Festival

Norihisa Ikoma ikoma @ math.keio.ac.jp
2020年 12月 22日 (火) 21:11:17 JST


韓国全北大学校の Hojoo Lee 氏より下記のような online workshop の



Hi, this is *Hojoo Lee <https://cosmogeometer.wordpress.com/cv>* from
Jeonbuk National University, Korea.

I am organizing an online workshop (the first one in *a series of projects* I
am running next year) with* 6 invited speakers*:

*Da Rong Cheng <https://sites.google.com/view/daren-cheng>*
(Waterloo),  *Daniel
L. Stern <https://sites.google.com/view/daniel-stern/home> *(Chicago),  *Lucas
Ambrozio <http://w3.impa.br/~l.ambrozio/ingles.html> *(IMPA),

Romain Petrides <https://webusers.imj-prg.fr/~romain.petrides/home.html>
(Paris),  *Pablo Mira <http://filemon.upct.es/~pmira> *(Cartagena),  *Beomjun
Choi <https://sites.google.com/site/mathbeomjun> *(Toronto),

who shall provide *mini-courses* (total *90 minute* talks). The recorded
lecture videos will be available on YouTube from around *30th January* 2021.
 *Zoom Q and A sessions *are scheduled during *February *2021.

I would like to include *a few voluntary contributed talks* offered by
participants*: in particular, *PhD students*, who will attend Zoom
sessions, after digesting (at least part of) the above lecture videos on
YouTube. If *your recent students* would like to give a talk during this
workshop (by submitting recorded lecture videos), please make the following
form registered, hopefully until *31st December 2020*, at their earliest


All lectures are expected to be* crystal comprehensive* to graduate
students. Themes include geometric inequalities + geometric PDEs, flows and
solitons + minimal submanifolds + special Lagrangian and calibrated
geometry + constant mean curvature surfaces + Mathematical relativity.

The shape of this online workshop would be similar to the event I run on
the first week of this December:

 Blog:    https://cosmogeometer.wordpress.com/geometric-analysis

 All lectures on YouTube:

 Zoom Q and A sessions:

I apologize for this extreme short notice. If you have
any ideas, questions, suggestions, then please let me know.

Healthy and Happy Holidays,
Hojoo Lee

Norihisa Ikoma
Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science and Technology,
Keio University,
Yagami Campus: 3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku,
Yokohama, Kanagawa 2238522, JAPAN
email: ikoma @ math.keio.ac.jp

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