[geometry-ml:04061] Geometry and Differential Equations Seminar, Wednesday, May 20, ONLINE

Tohru Morimoto morimoto_thr @ ybb.ne.jp
2020年 5月 17日 (日) 19:49:37 JST


以下のOnline Seminar の案内が届ききました。

森本 徹

差出人: Wojciech Krynski <krynski @ impan.pl>
件名: Geometry and Differential Equations Seminar, Wednesday, May 20, ONLINE
日付: 2020年5月15日 20:35:17 JST

Dear All, 

I would like to invite you to the next meeting of the Geometry and Differential Equations Seminar at IMPAN. 
The seminar will be held online, using the Zoom platform, next Wednesday, May 20, at 10:15AM (Warsaw time). 

To join the meeting please follow the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88672195759

Feel free to pass this invitation to anyone that may be interested. 
More information on the seminar can be found at: https://www.impan.pl/~krynski/GDEseminar/


Michael Eastwood (University of Adelaide)

Title: Homogeneous hypersurfaces

ABSTRACT: What's so great about the Archimedean screw? Well, for one thing, it's affine homogeneous as a surface in R^3. The Cayley surface is another classical example. Using a Lie algebraic approach, the affine homogeneous surfaces in R^3 were classified in 1996 by Doubrov, Komrakov, and Rabinovich. I shall describe a geometric approach of Vladimir Ezhov and myself, which provides an alternative classification in R^3 and some further classifications in R^4 and C^4.

Janusz Grabowski 
Bronisław Jakubczyk 
Paweł Nurowski 
Wojciech Kryński 

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