[geometry-ml:03595] MS seminars at Kavli IPMU in Feb, 2019

Todor Milanov todor.milanov @ ipmu.jp
2019年 1月 21日 (月) 09:08:57 JST

Dear all,

I would like to announce the following Mathematics and String theory seminars at Kavli IPMU. 

1. Qingtao Chen, Th, Jan 31, 13:15--14:45, Balcony A
2. Agnieszka Bodzenta, Th, Jan 31, 15:30--17:00, Seminar Room A
3. Changjian Su, Tue, Feb 12, 10:30--12:00, Seminar Room B
4. Tamas Hausel, Tue Feb 12, 15:30--17:00, Seminar Room A
5. Hiro Tanaka, Th Feb 14, 15:30--17:00, Seminar Room A
6. Mark Gross, Mon, Feb 25, 13:15--14:45, Seminar Room B

Please, refer to the IPMU webpage for more details



Todor Eliseev Milanov
Associate Professor 
Kavli IPMU,  Japan

todor.milanov @ ipmu.jp

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