[geometry-ml:03580] (第2報) Introductory workshop on discrete differential geometryのご案内(2019年1月21日-24日,高麗大学校)

Masashi Yasumoto yasumoto @ sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp
2018年 12月 28日 (金) 14:55:22 JST




"Introductory workshop on discrete differential geometry"






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Seong-Deog Yang教授(高麗大学校)の依頼を受けて,以下の案内を

Title: Introductory workshop on discrete differential geometry

Date: January 21-24, 2019

Venue: Korea University (Seoul)

Organizer: Seong-Deog Yang (Korea University), Joseph Cho (Kobe University)

Joseph Cho (Kobe University),
Junseok Kim (Korea University), Miyuki Koiso (Kyushu University),
Hisashi Naito (Nagoya University), Wayne Rossman (Kobe University),
Masashi Yasumoto (Osaka City University)


Discrete differential geometry is a field in its nascence. Rooted in the
concept of integrability of differentiable objects in geometry, the
field is of deep mathematical interest, and has fascinated many
prominent mathematicians around the world. Furthermore, it is a field
that readily bridges the gap between pure mathematics and applications
due to its connections to architecture, computer graphics, and crystal
structures, to name a few.

We have designed this workshop specifically so that the material will be
introductory but mathematically rigorous. Since the field is relatively
new, only a few introductory texts and lectures on discrete differential
geometry exist, and our aim is to provide any researcher or student
attending the workshop with well-conceived lectures on the basics of
discrete differential geometry. We have specifically designed the
lectures so that the material will be accessible and interesting to an
audience of wide mathematical background, from upper-level undergraduate
students to active researchers. However, we have also prepared a series
of lectures that bridges the gap between basic material and materials
that lead directly to independent research, from the viewpoint of both
pure mathematics and applications, with special emphasis on connections
to crystal structures.

This is a workshop that intends to not only introduce the subject of
discrete differential geometry, but also become a basis for a community
of researchers interested in discrete differential geometry. We
cordially invite any researcher or student of mathematics and related
fields who are interested in discrete differential geometry to attend
this workshop.


January 21 (Monday)

14:00-15:00 Yasumoto: An invitation to discretization of surfaces from
an integrable systems viewpoint (1)
15:20-16:20 Yasumoto: An invitation to discretization of surfaces from
an integrable systems viewpoint (2)
16:40-17:40 Cho: Discrete surfaces through examples (1)

January 22 (Tuesday)

10:00-11:00 Rossman: Discretization of surfaces in more general ambient
spaces (1)
11:20-12:20 Rossman: Discretization of surfaces in more general ambient
spaces (2)
14:00-15:00 Yasumoto: An invitation to discretization of surfaces from
an integrable systems viewpoint (3)
15:20-16:20 Cho: Discrete surfaces through examples (2)
16:40-17:40 Scientific talk (1)

January 23 (Wednesday)

10:00-11:00 Naito: Discrete geometric analysis -- crystal structure,
a discrete surface theory and its applications to physics and chemistry (1)
11:20-12:20 Naito: Discrete geometric analysis -- crystal structure,
a discrete surface theory and its applications to physics and chemistry (2)
13:00- Excursion(?)

January 24 (Thursday)

10:00-11:00 Rossman: Discretization of surfaces in more general ambient
spaces (3)
11:20-12:20 Cho: Discrete surfaces through examples (3)
14:00-15:00 Scientific talk (2)
15:20-16:20 Naito: Discrete geometric analysis -- crystal structure, a
discrete surface theory and its applications to physics and chemistry (3)
16:40-17:40 Naito: Discrete geometric analysis -- crystal structure, a
discrete surface theory and its applications to physics and chemistry (4)

Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Masashi Yasumoto 安本 真士
E-mail yasumoto @ sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp

Osaka City University Advanced Mathematical Institute
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Masashi Yasumoto 安本 真士
E-mail yasumoto @ sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内