[geometry-ml:03103] 第38回 東北複素解析セミナー

相原義弘 aihara @ educ.fukushima-u.ac.jp
2017年 9月 23日 (土) 09:05:10 JST

第38回 東北複素解析セミナー

日時:2017年9月27日(水)15:30 - 17:00
講演者:児玉 秋雄 氏(金沢大学名誉教授)
タイトル:On proper holomorphic self-mappings of generalized complex ellipsoids
                  and generalized Hartogs triangles
In this talk, we discuss proper holomorphic self-mappings of generalized
complex ellipsoids and generalized Hartogs triangles. By making use of our
previous result on the holomorphic automorphism group of a generalized
complex ellipsoid and Monti-Morbidelli's result on the extendability of a
local CR-diffeomorphism between open subsets contained in the strictly
pseudoconvex part of the boundary of a generalized complex ellipsoid,
we obtain natural generalizations of some results due to Landucci, Chen-Xu
and Zapalowski.

http://www.math.is.tohoku.ac.jp/~sugawa/TCAS/ <http://www.math.is.tohoku.ac.

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