[geometry-ml:03046] On a conference in Schubert calculus during Nov 6-10 in Guangzhou in China
Changzheng Li
lichangzh @ mail.sysu.edu.cn
2017年 7月 16日 (日) 23:00:20 JST
Dear ALL,
There will be an international conference in Schubert Calculus at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China, during Nov. 6-10, 2017. More information, including a registration link, can be found on the conference website at
Everyone is welcome to this event. There is support available for local accommodations, and general participants will be given the opportunity to request for this during the registration process.
Thank you for your interest and for your attention.
Best regards,
Changzheng Li
School of Mathmatics, Sun Yat-sen University
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