[geometry-ml:02804] Fwd: First Announcement

izumiya @ math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp izumiya @ math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
2016年 10月 18日 (火) 15:02:15 JST



-------- Forwarded message -------
From: "Singularities in Generic Geometry and its Applications Facultad de Ciencias" 
To: "geogen" 
送信済み: 2016年10月18日午後1時28分
件名: First Announcement

	Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico City.  

	31 July- 4 August 2017 

	Celebrating the 60 birthday of Federico Sánchez Bringas 

	This Conference will bring together specialists in geometric aspects of singularity theory, those active in the field of its applications, and other researchers willing to apply singularity theory methods and techniques in their work.

The conference's main topics of interest are:
· Singularities of smooth maps and differential forms 

	· Generic Geometry
· Topological invariants
· Singularities in Riemannian and Semi-Riemannian geometry.
· Singularities of caustics and wavefronts
· Applications of singularity theory to computer vision, robotics and image analysis
· Gradient flows and applications
· Control theory and Hamiltonian systems

One of the main goals of the meeting is the diffusion of methods and techniques devised and applied by the conference speakers among a large international group of young researchers. 

	The organizers also wish to provide a common ground for discussions leading to an increase in the international collaboration between different research groups, and to stimulate a substantial feedback for further research by inviting several speakers involved in practical applications of their methods. 

	Singularity theory has long been known for successfully connecting numerous important areas of applications of mathematics to its most abstract branches. Recent years have been particularly fruitful for geometric aspects of singularity theory, including among others the study of singularities in real algebraic geometry, analytic geometry, symplectic geometry and Lorentzian geometry. As a natural consequence of this progress many new applications to geometric optics, image recognition and processing, control theory, classical mechanics, general relativity theory and other disciplines have been pursued.  

	The week before the Conference we are organizing a mini-school in Geometry and Singularities celebrating the twenty years of the Geometry Seminar of our Department.  

	We are pleased to invite young researchers, graduate students and the scientific community to take part on it. 

	School on Geometry and Singularities 

	“El DiferenciaHable, 20 years later” 

	7-9 August 2017 
	By the organizing committee. 

	Eugenio Garnica and Vinicio Gómez.

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