[geometry-ml:02248] MS seminar at IPMU -- Alexander Voronov (U of Minnesota) -- 1/16

Todor Milanov todor.milanov @ ipmu.jp
2015年 1月 10日 (土) 11:54:06 JST

Dear all,

I would like to announce one more MS seminar at IPMU

Speaker: Alexander Voronov	(U of Minnesota)
Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2015, 15:30 - 17:00
Place: Seminar room A, Kavli IPMU

Title: The BV formalism for L_infty-algebras


I will discuss BV_infty-morphisms and the category of BV_infty-algebras.
The category of L_infty-algebras with L_infty-morphisms will be
characterized as a certain subcategory of the category of
BV_infty-algebras. This provides a Fourier-dual, BV alternative to the
standard characterization of the category of L_infty-algebras as a
subcategory of the category of dg cocommutative coalgebras or formal
pointed dg manifolds. In particular, the coalgebra codifferential on the
symmetric coalgebra S(g[1]) encoding the structure of an L_infty-algebra on
a graded vector space g turns into a square-zero differential operator with
linear coefficients on the symmetric algebra S(g[-1]). This symmetric
algebra also presents a left adjoint to the functor assigning to a
BV_infty-algebra the L_infty-algebra given by higher derived brackets. The
talk is based on a joint work with my student Denis Bashkirov.


Todor Eliseev Milanov
Associate Professor 
Kavli IPMU,  Japan

todor.milanov @ ipmu.jp

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