[geometry-ml:02092] Hayama 2014: registration

Kengo Hirachi hirachi @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2014年 6月 23日 (月) 13:28:54 JST




HAYAMA Symposium on Complex Analysis in Several Variables XVII
July 19 (Sat) -- 22 (Tue), 2014 @ Shonan Village Center

We have started the online registration, which include the hotel room reservation at Hayama.
Please visit the web page


The speakers include:
David Calderbank (University of Bath)
Son Duong (University of California Irvine)
Mike Eastwood (Australian National University)
Akira Fujiki (Osaka University)
Qi'an Guan (Peking University)
Sachiko Hamano (Fukushima University)
Kota Hattori (Keio University)
Anna-Katrin Herbig (Nagoya Univeristy)
Kengo Hirachi (University of Tokyo)
Jeffery McNeal (Ohio State University)
Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya University)
Massimiliano Pontecorvo (University of  Rome III)
Michael Singer (University College London)
Emil Straube (Texas A & M University)
Carl Tipler (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
Jeff Viaclovsky (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Xiangyu Zhou  (Chinese Academy of Sciences)

We expect that some financial support for local expenses will be available.  
Please contact: Kengo Hirachi <hirachi @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp>.
Please forward this announcement to colleagues or students, who might be interested.

Best wishes,
Nobuhiro Honda (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Chair <honda(at)math.titech.ac.jp>
Joe Kamimoto (Kyushu University)
Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya University)
Shigeharu Takayama (University of Tokyo)
Kengo Hirachi (University of Tokyo)

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