[geometry-ml:01895] RIMS 研究集会「低次元多様体モジュライ空間の幾何学」 2013 11/5-11/8  第 3 報

sumio yamada yamada @ math.gakushuin.ac.jp
2013年 10月 29日 (火) 08:43:07 JST





研究集会題目    低次元多様体モジュライ空間の幾何学
場所            京都大学数理解析研究所 111号室

Tuesday, November 5
9:30-10:30  Feng Luo (Rutgers University)
"A discrete uniformization theorem for polyhedral surfaces I"
10:40-11:40  Feng Luo (Rutgers University)
"A discrete uniformization theorem for polyhedral surfaces II"
13:10-14:10 Takao Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba )
 "Collapsing three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces I"
14:20-15:20 Takao Yamaguchi (University of Tsukuba )
  "Collapsing three-dimensional Alexandrov spaces II"
15:40-16:40 Chikako Mese (Johns Hopkins University)
 "Harmonic maps in rigidity problems I"

Wednesday, November 6
 9:30-10:30  Chikako Mese (Johns Hopkins University)
  "Harmonic maps in rigidity problems II"
 10:40-11:40  Moon Duchin (Tufts University)
 "Geometric properties of Teichmuller geodesics I"
13:10-14:10 &  Moon Duchin (Tufts University)
 "Geometric properties of Teichmuller geodesics II"
14:20-15:20  & Scott Wolpert (University of Maryland)
 "PSL(n;R) surface group representations
and projective twist-bulge deformations I"
15:40-16:40 & Scott Wolpert (University of Maryland)
  "PSL(n;R) surface group representations
and projective twist-bulge deformations II"

Thursday, November 7
9:30-10:30 & Athanase Papadopoulos (University of Strasbourg)
"Non-Euclidean trigonometry I"
10:40-11:40  Athanase Papadopoulos (University of Strasbourg)
"Non-Euclidean trigonometry II"
13:10-14:10 Masahiko Kanai (University of Tokyo)
 "Cross ratio and its folks in geometry and dynamics I"
14:20-15:20   Masahiko Kanai (University of Tokyo)
 "Cross ratio and its folks in geometry and dynamics II"
15:40-16:40 Hiroki Sumi (Osaka University)
 "A Brief Introduction to Complex Dynamics"

Friday, November 8
9:30-10:30 Hiroki Sumi (Osaka University)
 "Negativity of Lyapunov Exponents in Generic Random
Dynamical Systems of Complex Polynomials"
10:40-11:40  Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto University)
  "Coarse geometry of discrete groups and applications I"
13:10-14:10 Narutaka Ozawa (Kyoto University)
"Coarse geometry of discrete groups and applications II"
 14:20-15:20   Lizhen Ji (University of Michigan)
  "Teichmuller spaces and tropical geometry I"
 15:40-16:40  Lizhen Ji (University of Michigan)
 "Teichmuller spaces and tropical geometry II"

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