[geometry-ml:01768] Seminar on Geometric representation theory and Quantum integrable system
Iwao Shinsuke
iwao @ gem.aoyama.ac.jp
2013年 5月 23日 (木) 08:46:58 JST
講演者:Tanmay Deshpande氏 (IPMU)
講演題目: Character sheaves on unipotent groups
Let G be an algebraic group defined over a finite field F_q. One of
the goals of the theory of character sheaves is to understand the
irreducible characters of the finite groups G(F_{q^n}) in terms
of certain (l-adic) sheaves on G. Lusztig developed such a theory
for reductive groups in 1980's and recently Drinfeld and Boyarchenko
have developed a theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups.
To begin with, I will describe some of the goals of the theory of
character sheaves and the tools used like Grothendieck's
sheaf-function correspondence. Then I will describe some of the main
features of the theory of character sheaves on unipotent groups
developed by Drinfeld and Boyarchenko. We will review some ideas from
representation theory of finite groups and nilpotent groups which
serve as a motivation for many of the ideas developed by Drinfeld. We
will then geometrize these ideas and define the notion of character
sheaves on a unipotent group G in terms of certain idempotents in the
category of l-adic complexes on G.
世話人: 岩尾慎介(青山学院大) 白石潤一(東大・数理) 土屋昭博(IPMU) 山田裕二(立教大)
セミナーURL : https://sites.google.com/site/seminaratkomaba/home
岩尾慎介 青山学院数理
iwao @ gem.aoyama.ac.jp
Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内