[geometry-ml:01754] Seminar on Geometric representation theory and Quantum integrable system   at Komaba

Iwao Shinsuke iwao @ gem.aoyama.ac.jp
2013年 5月 8日 (水) 10:48:22 JST



講演者: Todor Milanov 氏(IPMU)
題名: The Eynard--Orantin topological recursion in singularity theory


Motivated by Gromov--Witten theory, Givental introduced a certain
higher-genus reconstruction formalism. In the settings of singularity
theory, the formalism takes as an input the period integrals
associated with a primitive form in the sense of K. Saito and it
produces certain set of correlation functions. It was conjectured by
Ruan that under some Calabi-Yau condition for the singularity, these
correlation functions can be identified with the Gromov--Witten
invariants of an appropriate orbifold hypersurface. Recently, it was
proved by several people (including the speaker) that the correlation
functions satisfy the so called local Eynard--Orantin topological
recursion. The latter is some universal relation that was discovered
several years ago by Eynard and Orantin for the correlators of certain
class of matrix integrals.
Probably the most challenging problem is to find the global
Eynard--Orantin recursion. The latter seems to be related to the
theory of $W$-algebras and integrable systems. In my talk, I would
like to give an introduction to all these ideas.

世話人: 岩尾慎介(青山学院大) 白石潤一(東大・数理) 土屋昭博(IPMU) 山田裕二(立教大)

セミナーURL : https://sites.google.com/site/seminaratkomaba/home

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