[geometry-ml:01647] Seminar at Kavli IPMU on 2013 Jan 24 van der Geer

Satoshi Kondo satoshi.kondo @ gmail.com
2013年 1月 16日 (水) 16:10:18 JST

Dear colleagues:

There will be a seminar as follows at Kavli IPMU
(Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of
the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (Kavli IPMU)
Speaker:	 Gerard van der Geer	(U Amsterdam)

Title:	 Hurwitz spaces and divisors on moduli spaces of curves

Date:	Thu, Jan 24, 2013, 15:30 - 16:30

Place:	Lecture Hall

Abstract:	 Hurwitz spaces appeared in modern algebraic geometry in the
pivotal paper of Harris and Mumford on the Kodaira dimension of M_g.
Hurwitz spaces give rise to maps and correspondences between moduli
spaces of curves. In this talk we give examples of this and study the
induced maps on divisor classes on moduli spaces of curves. We
calculate some divisor classes and also discuss the Hodge bundle of
Hurwitz spaces. This is based on joint work with Alexis Kouvidakis.
You can check the location from
The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

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