[geometry-ml:01630] [Fwd: Singularity Theory conference in Warsaw - 1st announcement]

izumiya @ math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp izumiya @ math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp
2012年 12月 25日 (火) 21:51:54 JST

-------------------------- オリジナルメッセージ --------------------------
件名:   Singularity Theory conference in Warsaw - 1st announcement
差出人: "Zaklad Analizy i Teorii Osobliwosci" <aito @ mini.pw.edu.pl>
日付:   2012年 12月 24日(月)11:12 pm
宛先:   undisclosed-recipients:;

FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT (please circulate in your institutions)

Geometric Singularity Theory
Polish-Japanese Singularity Theory Working Days
24-31 August 2013, Warsaw, Poland

The conference, whose aim and scope are described on the page
http://bcc.impan.pl/13PolJap , will be held at Stefan Banach
International Mathematical Center, Warsaw, Poland
(homepage: http://www.impan.pl/BC).

All interested mathematicians are most welcome to (pre)register
at http://bcc.impan.pl/13PolJap/index.php/registration
by the end of February 2013.

Please note that the Saturdays 24th and 31st of August are
the suggested arrival and departure dates, and the scientific
activities will take place from 25th to 30th.

Further announcements and more details about the conference
will be available at http://bcc.impan.pl/13PolJap
as well as sent to the registered participants.

Should you have any questions, please write an email
to aito @ mini.pw.edu.pl or directly to the members
of Organizing Committee.

Geometry-ml メーリングリストの案内