[geometry-ml:01555] Seminar at Kavli IPMU on 2012 Oct 3 Schapira

Satoshi Kondo satoshi.kondo @ gmail.com
2012年 9月 27日 (木) 11:37:48 JST

Dear colleagues:

There will be a seminar as follows at Kavli IPMU
(Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of
the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (Kavli IPMU)
Speaker:Pierre Schapira (Universit'e Pierre et Marie Curie)

Date: October 3 (Wed) 13:15-14:45

Place:Seminar Room B, Kavli IPMU

Title: Hochschild classes and microlocal Euler classes of sheaves and
D-modules (joint work with Masaki Kashiwara)

Abstract: see attached file
You can check the location from
The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

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ファイル名: 757.pdf
型:         application/pdf
サイズ:     138335 バイト
説明:       無し
URL:        <https://mail.math.nagoya-u.ac.jp/pipermail/geometry-ml/attachments/20120927/8096bdb3/attachment.pdf>

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