[geometry-ml:01351] Fwd: UK-JAPAN WINTER SCHOOL 2012

yoshiaki maeda yoshimaeda @ gmail.com
2011年 11月 2日 (水) 05:41:54 JST

 UK-Japan Winter School が来年1月オックスフォード大学にて開催されます。
その案内が、John Boltonさんから来ておりますので、転送いたします。
 慶應義塾大学理工学部 前田 吉昭


The UK-Japan Winter Schools have been held since 1999. The aim of the
School is to bring together scientists from Japan, UK, and other countries,
in particular young researchers and students, in a relaxing and stimulating

The next UK-Japan Winter School

 "String Theory, Geometry, and Mathematical Physics"

will be held at the University of Oxford from 4 to 8 January 2012. There
will be three short lecture courses plus a number of individual review

The main lecturers are:
* Bertrand Duplantier (Institut de Physique Theorique, Saclay, France)
* Nigel Hitchin (Mathematical Institute, Oxford, UK)
* Hiroshi Ooguri (Caltech, USA)

Review talks will be given by Fernando Alday, Andreas Fring, Nikolay
Gromov, Amihay Hanany, Hirotaka Irie.

 Registration is required, even if you do not need college accommodation.
To register, and for information regarding travel, accommodation and other
issues, please visit the website:
* http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/conferences/uk-japan-2012/ *

Further details may be obtained from the local organisers,  Andrei
Starinets (andrei.starinets @ physics.ox.ac.uk) and Andre Lukas (
a.lukas1 @ physics.ox.ac.uk). The full organising committee is John Cardy,
Martin Guest, Sergei Ketov, Andre Lukas, Yoshiaki Maeda, Andrei Starinets.

John Bolton
Department of Mathematical Sciences


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