[geometry-ml:01340] Circle valued Morse theory and Alexander invariants

Hiroshi Goda goda @ cc.tuat.ac.jp
2011年 10月 17日 (月) 14:34:01 JST


GCOE Workshop "Circle valued Morse theory and Alexander invariants"



GCOE Workshop "Circle valued Morse theory and Alexander invariants"
日時:2011年11月16日(水)9:30 〜 11月19日(土)  12:00




  16 November WEDNESDAY

09:30-10:30   Andrei Pajitnov  (Universite de Nantes)
Circle-valued Morse theory for 3-manifolds

10:45-12:15  Francois Laudenbach (Universite de Nantes)
Morse complexes for manifolds with non-empty bondary and A_\infty -
structures. Applications to links in S^3.

14:00-15:00  Yanki Lekili (University of Cambridge)
Heegaard Floer homology of broken fibrations

15:30-16:30  石川 昌治 (東北大学)
Tangle sums and factorization of A-polynomials

16:45-17:45  森藤 孝之 (東京農工大学)
Representation spaces of torus knots and twisted Alexander polynomials

  17 November THURSDAY

09:30-10:30   Jean-Claude Sikorav (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon)
Novikov homology and 3-manifolds

11:00-12:00  鈴木 正明 (秋田大学)
Epimorphisms between knot groups and the images of meridians

14:00-15:00  丹下 基生 (京大数理研)
Lens space surgery and Alexander polynomial

15:30-16:30  山口 祥司 (東京工業大学)
On the twisted Alexander polynomial for hyperbolic fibered links via
twisted monodromy

16:45-17:45  北山 貴裕 (京大数理研)
Non-commutative Reidemeister torsion, higher-order Alexander polynomials
and circle valued Morse theory

  18 November FRIDAY

09:30-10:30   Taehee Kim (Konkuk University)
Detecting fiberedness and genus of knots using character varieties

11:00-12:00  Yanki Lekili (University of Cambridge)
Heegaard Floer homology of broken fibrations

14:00-15:00  Tamas Kalman (東京工業大学)
A new type of combinatorics in knot theory

15:30-16:30  逆井 卓也 (東京工業大学)
The Magnus representation and homology cobordism groups of
homology cylinders

16:45-17:45  Yuanyuan Bao (東京工業大学)
Polynomial splittings of Ozsvath and Szabo's correction term

  19 November SATURDAY

09:30-10:30   Jean-Claude Sikorav (Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon)
Fibrations on M^3 and symplectic forms on M^3 X S^1

11:00-12:00  北野 晃朗 (創価大学)
On the Alexander polynomial of a knot as an obstruction for linear
representations of a knot group

Andrei Pajitnov (Universite de Nantes)

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