[geometry-ml:01288] 多変数函数論京都シンポジウム

Kengo Hirachi hirachi @ ms.u-tokyo.ac.jp
2011年 6月 21日 (火) 12:53:26 JST




吉川 謙一 (平地が代理で送信しています)


7月19日(京都大学百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホールI)

09:50–10:40 Akira Fujiki (Osaka Univ., Japan)
On certain families of anti-self-dual bihermitian structures on
Inoue surfaces and the associated period maps

11:00–11:50 Takao Akahori (Univ. of Hyogo, Japan)
The deformation theory of CR-structures and the complex analytic
CR-Hamiltonian flows

13:40–14:30 John Erik Fornaess (Univ. of Michigan, U.S.A.)
Foliations by complex manifolds

14:50–15:40 Yutaka Ishii (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
Monotonicity via sheaf cohomology

16:00–16:50 Kang-Tae Kim (Pohang Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Korea)
A semicontinuity theorem for automorphism groups of weakly pseudoconvex

17:10–18:00 Bo-Yong Chen (Tongji Univ., China)
Bergman kernel and tower of coverings

7月20日(京都大学百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホールI)

10:00–10:50 Jean-Pierre Demailly (Univ. de Grenoble I, France)
From the Ohsawa-Takegoshi theorem to asymptotic cohomology estimates

11:10–12:00 Mihai Paun (Univ. de Nancy I, France)
On the Ohsawa-Takegoshi extension theorem and applications

13:50–14:40 Nessim Sibony (Univ. de Paris-Sud, France)
Recent results on Laminations by Riemann Surfaces

15:00–15:50 Takeo Ohsawa (Nagoya Univ., Japan)
Some remarks on pseudoconvex domains and K\"ahler manifolds

16:10–17:00 Tetsuo Ueda (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Semi-parabolic implosion in complex dimension 2 (Part 1)


09:30–09:55 Atsushi Hayashimoto  (Nagano National Col. of Tech., Japan)
One remark on CR automorphisms on generalized pseudoellipsoids

10:05–10:30 Kohei Ueno  (Toba National Col. of Maritime Tech., Japan)
A note on the dynamics of monomial maps

10:40–11:05 Tomoko Shinohara  (Tokyo Metropolitan Col., Japan)
Another construction of a Cantor bouquet by using blow ups

11:15–11:40 Yuji Odaka  (RIMS, Kyoto Univ., Japan)
On the $K$-stability of a (Q-)Fano variety

11:50–12:15 Rapha\"el Ponge  (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan)
Holomorphic Morse Inequalities in CR geometry

Afternoon: Free discussion

7月22日(京都大学百周年時計台記念館 国際交流ホールI)

10:00–10:50 Eric Bedford (Indiana Univ., U.S.A.)
Semi-parabolic implosion in complex dimension 2 (Part 2)

11:10–12:00 Masataka Tomari (Nihon Univ., Japan)
Filtered blowing-up and normal two-dimensional complex analytic
yesterday and today

13:50–14:40 Bo Berndtsson (Univ. of G\"oteborg, Sweden)
Extension with L2-estimates of $\bar{\partial}$-closed forms

15:00–15:50 Friedrich Haslinger (Univ. Wien, Austria)
Compactness of the $\bar{\partial}$-Neumann operator and applications to
Sch\"odinger and Dirac operators

16:10–17:00 Ken-Ichi Yoshikawa (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
Singularities and analytic torsion


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