[geometry-ml:01146] Seminar at IPMU on 10/19 Milanov

Satoshi Kondo satoshi.kondo @ gmail.com
2010年 10月 11日 (月) 21:24:44 JST

Dear colleagues:

We announce the following seminar at IPMU
(the Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe).


Satoshi Kondo (IPMU)

Speaker: Todor Milanov (IPMU)
Time: Oct 19 (Tue), 13:15-14:45
Place: Seminar room A

Title: Gromov-Witten invariants and representations of infinite
dimensional Lie algebras

Part I: I am planning to explain a formalism, due to Givental, that allows us
to reconstruct the higher-genus GW invariants of an algebraic manifold
 from genus-0 ones, provided the quantum cohomology is semi-simple. In
the language of string theory, this means that there is a formalism
for recovering the higher genus amplitudes of the topological string,
provided that the target has sufficiently many rational curves.

Part II: I am planning to discuss the mirror symmetry description of
the above formalism. This leads naturally to Saito's theory of
primitive forms and the representations of certain vertex algebras. In
the case of simple singularities the above representations may be used
to identify the generating function of GW invariants as a highest
weight vector of the so called W-algebras as well as a tau-function of
the so called Kac--Wakimoto hierarchies. I'll try to keep my
exposition elementary, so no previous knowledge of vertex algebras or
integrable hierarchies will be assumed.

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The schedule of the seminar can be checked from

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