[geometry-ml:01045] a summer school in "Geometric Analysis"
KANAI Masahiko
kanai @ math.nagoya-u.ac.jp
2010年 3月 19日 (金) 14:02:15 JST
以下のような魅力的な Summer School が開催されるそうです.
主催者のひとり Vernicos の求めに応じ,皆様にも案内を転送
We are please to announce a summer school in "Geometric Analysis", May 31 - June 5,
Karlovassi, Samos Island, Greece.
Speakers are :
Zoltán *Balogh*, Universität Bern
Gérard *Besson*, Institut Fourier
Stephen *Buckley*, NUI Maynooth
Gilles *Carron*, Université de / Nantes/
Gilles *Courtois*, CNRS-CMLS, École Polytechnique
Bertrand *Deroin*, Université Paris-Sud
Ilkka *Holopainen*, University of Helsinki
Gerhard *Knieper*, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Michel *Marias*, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Athanase *Papadopoulos*, Université de Strasbourg
Ahmad El *Soufi*, Université François Rabelais
Alessandro *Savo*, Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
Georgios *Tsapogas*, University of the Aegean
Antonios *Tsolomitis*, University of the Aegean
The program will comprise talks and the three following mini courses:
G. Besson/G. Courtois: Rigidity, entropy and volume;
G. Knieper: New results on harmonic manifolds and the Lichnerowicz
A. Papadopoulos: Weak Finsler structures.
The provisional program is available here:
Registrations are now open for the summer school here:
This school is co-organised by the Departments of Mathematics of
both the *University of the Aegean* and the *National University of
Ireland Maynooth*.
Organizing Committee
Michael * Anoussis*, University of the Aegean
Gérard *Besson*, Institut Fourier
Evaggelos * Felouzis*, University of the Aegean
Nikolaos * Karachalios*, University of the Aegean
Georgios * Tsapogas*, University of the Aegean
Constantin * Vernicos*, National University of Ireland Maynooth
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